Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-
Well, we’re finally getting some of the rain that everyone has been wanting. It’s nice to see everything greening up and the ponds and lakes filling back up. It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten rain that actually ran into the ditches and then into the streams. I hope this breaks the drought condition we been under and keeps the grass green and growing. There’s just nothing that smells better than fresh cut green grass in the Spring. And as everything is growing and booming, don’t forget that we have lots of great nutritional products to help with lymphatic drainage that causes the allergy symptoms people have. Covering the symptoms up with over-the-counter medications usually causes the condition to be worse. The nutritional products that we have help the body to detox and drain the pollen and dust and mold that comes along with breathing this time of year.
Th please don’t forget about our health shops on Monday nights live at 6:15 on Instagram and Face book and then being posted later to Brighteon.com and Youtube. This month were talking about spring allergies and this week we’re talking about swollen lymph glands. It’s important to realize that swollen lymph glands are normal when the body is working on certain things. Most people think that swollen lymph glands mean they have some kind of cancer or something but that’s not normally the case. We try to get our patients to understand how the body works, and how the body works correctly so that it can regain and maintain real health. Mainstream medicine focuses on the symptoms, which are fine, but they never handle the underlying problem that’s causing iy. And then more and more side effects are being covered up with more and more medication. It’s quite a negative spiral towards degenerative disease. At Natural Health, we try to reverse that and get the body healing correctly so that health returns to the body so that body has lots of energy and the patient is able to enjoy life rather than just survive.
The article that I’m sending along today looks at problems with the covid jab and I hope to get people to realize that they can’t rely on the “narrative science”. It’s important to realize how the body works and what it needs to be actually healthy and not just listen to what big Pharma tells you, or what your insurance company pays for, or actions that have nothing to do with actual health. Medications are fine for short term relief but they are never able to help the body heal the underlying cause of the problem. At Natural Health, we want to find the underlying cause of the problem, get that eliminated, and allow the body to be able to heal itself. At Natural Health, we work on diet and nutritional supplements to give the body building blocks it needs to rebuild systems and actually work towards real health. It’s quite a different paradigm then what goes on now in the mainstream. We see so many patients in our office that are on many medications and their health is failing. This is why they come to us at Natural Health, because we can help them on a road back to actual health and not just covering up symptoms.
Read article: Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well
-Dr. Mark