The Hidden Risks of Mainstream Medication

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

This cooler Fall weather sure is nice, isn’t it?  It would be great if this type of weather would stay around for a long time but we’ll see.  I guess we should just enjoy every day and hope there are more to come.  The only downside is that it’s gotten dry again and with the farmers harvesting, there is lots of dust and pollen in the air so we’re getting quite a few patients complaining of sinus problems.  They’re doing a great job in getting the crops out and I hope it goes well for them without many mechanical problems and that the weather holds for them to get finished.  The hurricanes down south usually push rain up our way but the last hurricane dumped most of its rain in the Carolinas and did not get to us.  We could use some rain but don’t want to see the tap turned on and can’t get it shut back off.  I guess we’ll just have to enjoy what we get.

The article that I am sending along today, looks at a documentary on the pharmaceutical industry.  Don’t get me wrong, medication has its place but it also has its limitations and these are forgotten about.  This documentary shows how much power the pharmaceutical industry has in politics and how much money it makes for people but it is harming many people too.  Most folks know what the first three main causes of death are in this country but the fourth can actually be avoided as well.  Of course, the fourth cause is medical treatment, which includes drug overdoses of legal medications and medical treatments.  I sometimes feel sorry for the medical people because that’s the only tools they have to use.  

At Natural Health, we strive to get information out to the public to let them know that there is an alternative to the treatment course of drugs and surgery for every one and for everything.  I don’t know how many times that I’ve heard over the years some doctor say that there’s just nothing that can be done for a certain condition.  But they really need to say is there’s nothing they can do whereas in the natural health community, there are all kinds of things to try, even as simple as changing the diet and finding out what foods a person may be allergic to.  We help so many people to get over problems that were thought to be unhelp able.  We also work towards getting people off of tons of medication that there on that are making the underlying conditions worse.  And it’s not just old people anymore, there seems to be much more medication used by younger people too.  Many times, if the cause was just found at a young age, the person would not have to deal with degenerative diseases in their later years.  We’re also seeing more degenerative disease in young people now, which we’ve never seen before, ever.  I hope you get a chance to watch the documentary “First Do No Pharm”and understand what the problems are in this country when it comes to actual real Health Care.  It’s just disease management now.  

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark