The Journey

Welcome back again Natural Health Family. I hope everyone enjoyed some of the weekend as it is starting to get deeper into the year. I wanted to share this post about everyone’s journey of health or life. We have so many different perspectives and things that we deal with on a day-to-day basis, however, ultimately we are all striving for the same things. Health is important, it allows us to not only feel good but also to be able to enjoy the life we live doing what we want. That said, everyone is at different phases of life and we should respect that and work together to maintain our health and happiness. 

Have you ever been cut off by someone driving on the road and started getting upset about what the other person did? Or maybe when a friend or loved one says something that starts to trigger something within you and feel the need to retaliate in some way. These instances can be important lessons for us to allow space for the other person or situation that happened. In the moment it can be difficult to see what the other person is going through or has been “carrying.” In those moments we can pause and take a moment to respond in a new way. This not only allows us to maintain our energy but also gives us a little more grace when we can do the same thing later on. So when it comes to our health, sometimes we can be quick to think that we know best for someone else. However, until we gain sufficient knowledge and wisdom, it is wise to refrain from such criticism and to be open for them to heal in different ways. Like the saying goes, when the student is ready the teacher appears. 

Life is our greatest teacher, if we are willing to learn. We all go through this life differently but we are all heading in the same direction, others may be further or more behind on the path. Nonetheless, we all can help each other move with more ease, more joy, more support so that even when life can at times be a difficult hard road, together we can make it a more fun journey. Have a great week!

– Dr. Chip