The Truth Behind Diet Soda

Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

I hope that everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the nice weather.  It’s great to have a little cooler weather break in a normally hot temperature time of the year.  I’m very thankful that everything has greened back up and don’t even mind mowing the grass as long as it’s green.  I’ve noticed the corn in the fields has really grown and has started tasseling so there’s lots of pollen out there for us to deal with.  We have great products that we use to help drain lymphatics and treat the allergy symptoms that come along with all this pollen and dust.  And also noticing patients having problems with all the air conditioning that they’re subjected to and we have great products to help the immune system stay strong during the stress of going in and out of air conditioning.

The article that I’m sending along looks at the problems with artificial sweeteners.  These chemicals were never meant to be introduced into the body but it made manufacturers billions of dollars in sales over the decades.  The article shows that aspartame has a problem with causing cancer and people wonder why cancer rates have gotten so high.  This is another reason, subjecting the body to artificial chemicals and just hoping the immune system can handle it.  Not only is cancer a problem with this chemical but weight gain is another side effect.  People are thinking that “diet” soda is supposed to be helping them lose weight when the opposite result is what happens.  This is besides all the detrimental health effects that these chemicals have on the body as they affect other things too, like the neurologic system and brain function.  Aspartame partly breaks down to Formaldehyde and the body has to deal with all that.  It amazes me that manufactures can get by advertising this stuff-is this not what our government agencies supposed to be helping us to avoid?

In our health shop this week we’re talking about weight loss and diet.  Over the years I’ve seen many different “diets” that were supposed to be so good for a person but have come and gone.  These “diets” may actually help a person lose weight but unless you address the underlying cause of the problem and make them a lifestyle change, as soon as you go off the “diet”, the weight comes back on.  This goes for all the new-fangled medications for weight loss that are even more detrimental to the health of the body than artificial sweeteners.  We do a lot of work here at Natural Health educating patients on what is actually good for the body and what is actually advertising or sales and marketing.  The point that is seldom recognized is that with manufacturers, who are doing their own research on a product they want to sell, find a body can handle a certain amount of a chemical, they never check it with all the other chemicals that people are exposed to during the day.  It’s only about the one chemical, or product the wish to sell, that they’re testing.  They never test the artificial sweetener with hair coloring agents, with chemicals in the house like and deodorants, with chemicals in the air, etc., We can begin to see why cancer rates are so high in this country.  It’s not really rocket science and the people who were doing research on the cure for cancer treatment couldn’t give two flips for the cause.  They want to make money on the treatments.  It’s really a shame for the health of our population and for the strength of our country. 

Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

-Dr. Mark