Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-
Since this is my last letter for the year, I want to start by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I can’t believe that 2024 is gone already. It was quite a year of change for us here at Natural Health and we’re looking forward to a great year next year. I know that many people make a new year’s resolution and I hope yours and involves good health. Many people think about weight loss as a great solution I hope they realize that just getting healthy helps with weight loss automatically. I think we’re going to see a lot more information about what real health actually is in this next year. Even on the political front, their looks to be more information on how to get this country healthy again. As a Nutritionist and Chiropractor, we have been harping on this for decades. As it stands, our country has a disease management model for Health Care and that needs to change. We have plenty technology and monies to get people actually healthy. I know that doesn’t work well for those who make big money on peoples sickness but that’s too bad. I hope that the information will be coming forward on mainstream media and that people can look at it and understand what it means in their lives and the lives of their friends and family. For instance, I’ve seen way too many people over the years that are diagnosed with high blood pressure and put on medication and eventually die of congestive heart failure due to not finding out the underlying cause of the problem and the medication side effects. We need to get past this and at Natural Health, we’re here to help.
The article that I am sending along looks at the connection of vitamin D and depression and mental issues. Believe it or not, the things that ails us are not a lack of medication, but a lack of good vitamins and minerals and nutrients. There are many reasons why people don’t get enough vitamin D and the major one is that they have us afraid of the sun. Let’s use some common sense here, humans have been exposed to the sun for millennia and did not have trouble with skin cancer except for the last several decades. This is due more to a problem with the immune system then that the sun has changed for some reason. Also, the liver must be working correctly for the body to be able to digest and absorb a fat-soluble vitamin like vitamin D.
Anybody who is on medications has a liver that is not happy and perhaps not able to absorb good sources of the oils that make up vitamin D. The other oil soluble vitamins are A, E, and K. These vitamins are important as well and helps with many functions of the body that inner connect to the functions of vitamin D and all the other vitamins and minerals. The marketers get everyone all wound up about one vitamin or another, and the people need to realize that they all are needed and all are interconnected in their function. They also get people to think that is nothing they can do to help their health and this is very wrong. The body wants to be healthy and has the knowledge to be healthy but the barriers must be removed, like heavy metal toxicity, and the body must have the building blocks it needs to heal itself. Sunlight, good sources of water, reduction of stress, and just good ol’ happiness, are always a way of helping the body to become healthier and get out of this disease management death spiral that we’re in. Let’s look forward to a new year and better health for all.
Get Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well
Read the article: The Role of Vitamin D Deficiency in Mental Illness
-Dr. Mark