Vitamins and Minerals

 Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-

wasn’t a bad weekend for January. I’m hoping the next couple days melts the
rest of the snow and ice that we have before we get any more. A lot of the
patients I’m talking to at the office are saying that they are ready for spring
and I think everyone pretty much agrees with that. At least January is about
over and we can hope February goes quickly too. We’re finding many people are
having a hard time shaking whatever viruses we have this week. It may be
interesting to know that usually the immune system overcomes a virus in a week
to 10 days but it can take many weeks to clean up all the debris from the fight,
the reason sinus issues hang around. We have many good products here at the
office to help that and to help with the cleanup from fighting these
infections, as well as special nutritional supplements to prevent them getting
a foothold in the first place.

article that I’m sending along this week looks at the truth finally coming out
when it comes to the numbers of fatalities with this covid business and the
truth about the PCR test which has definitely been misleading. I was so
thankful that England decided to drop all the mandates and passports and stuff
and hopefully this will start a domino effect in other countries, like ours,
that these draconian measures that were put upon us hasn’t helped at all and
caused many other problems. We find this in the office here at Natural Health,
where the truth always comes out and the evidence is in the result. That’s why
we have our success wall in our hallway so that people can see the success in
getting healthy as compared to covering up symptoms with medication. “The Proof
Is in the Pudding” as they say, and so I hope more people take that to heart.

week in our health shop, we are talking about vitamins and minerals and the
need for those so should be interesting. If you don’t catch it live, you can watch
it on and YouTube. I hope that more and more of the truth comes
out about this “plandemic” and that folks open their eyes to the facts. 

Click here to read article from Dr. Mark

Healthy, Stay Healthy, and Live Well

Dr. Mark