activator method


 Hello Natural Health Family. Can you feel spring in the air yet? As we head into spring we start to notice the changes all around. The grass is greener, the

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 Hello Natural Health Family. I hope everyone got outside and was able to enjoy the weather. Today I wanted to talk about the power of gratitude and why it’s not

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Light up the World

 Hello Natural Health Family. We are starting March with warmer temperatures, sun shining and a feeling that spring and summer are just around the corner. This means that we are

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 Hello Natural Health Family! It’s Monday again so you know what that means… we get to have another great week. Now I know that sometimes we may think the weekend

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 Hello again on a great Monday morning. I hope you are ready for a great last week of January. Today we will talk about selfishness. This might seem very common

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 Happy New Year Natural Health Family! I hope everyone had a great holiday season and still celebrating if need be. I know we may have eaten some tasty foods, we

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End Of The Year

 Hello Natural Health Family! It is getting that much closer to more holidays and the end of 2020. What a year full of ups, downs, ins and outs. As we

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 Good day! Today I will discuss how generosity can be a key factor when it comes to our health and well being. Generosity is considered a positive emotion and I

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