
Food and Health

 Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation –      What a great weekend! The weather was awesome and there was enough wind to fly kites – ha. I hope that all you

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Low Carb and Keto Diet Explained

Low Carb and Keto Diet Explained Go to –           This is a great website that has simple videos to help patients get started on a low-carb and/or keto

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Fat Is Your Friend

Fat Is Your Friend One of the biggest health care hoaxes perpetrated during the last decade or so is the notion that “fat is bad.” If you want to enjoy

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Heartburn and Hiatal Hernia

Heartburn and Hiatal Hernia             At Natural Health, we are always concerned with preventative and causative actions. The current medical treatment for heartburn is the use of proton pump inhibitors,

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Healthy Tips for Eating Out

With the holiday coming up and people traveling to different events, I thought this might help Healthy Tips for Eating Out 1.     Probably the most important thing is to just

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