
Body Functions

Good morning, good evening or good whatever time you might be reading this. Today I wanted to talk to you about what causes the body not to function properly. All

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Well the weekend started off dicey but it sure was a nice day yesterday. It makes you feel like there’s hope that spring may be around the corner. The groundhog

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Exercise and Breathing

            Another weekend of bad weather, seems to be becoming a habit. I hope that everyone survived the ice without slips and falls. If you did though, come in to

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Vigorous Exercise

Vigorous Exercise Leads to Lower  Mortality for Women Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Heart disease and cancer are the two top reasons people die in the U.S.; data show

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Nutritional Support

            I hope that you really enjoyed the weekend. It sure was nice weather for the middle and end of December. Doesn’t look like much of a chance for a

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Handling Stress

            I hope you’re having a great day, even though it’s Monday. Christmas is next week, is anyone panicking yet? Most people I talk to are already wrapping their gifts

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January Specials

January One Day Specials January 6th  Free Veterans Visit Show your military card and receive a Free Chiropractor Adjustment, Nutrition Visit, Reiki Session or Heart Sound Recorder January 14th  Family

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The Need to Be Right

The Need to Be Right             I’m sure that you have talked with people and discovered their need to be right. Everyone wants others to emotionally feel close to them

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A Natural Approach to Pain Chiropractic care takes a very different approach. Pain, or other symptoms, is a language your body uses to alert you that a limit has been

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