Brain health

Handling Stress

            I hope you’re having a great day, even though it’s Monday. Christmas is next week, is anyone panicking yet? Most people I talk to are already wrapping their gifts

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Seasonal Stress

            Well we had a great weekend for December. We had some warmth and sunshine and not rain or snow. It’s great to get dried out

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2020 Health Shops

At Natural Health we are excited for our 2020 Health Shops. Every Monday night at 6:00 pm CT, we will be having a Health Shop that will be touching on

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The Need to Be Right

The Need to Be Right             I’m sure that you have talked with people and discovered their need to be right. Everyone wants others to emotionally feel close to them

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A Great story about Autism children

Doesn’t Qualify for Special Ed Class Any Longer I have found that utilizing Nutrition Response Testing® along with Chiropractic gets better results with my patients. I would like to share

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Low Carb and Keto Diet Explained

Low Carb and Keto Diet Explained Go to –           This is a great website that has simple videos to help patients get started on a low-carb and/or keto

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Weight Loss Simplified II

Weight Loss Simplified II             This handout is geared towards the patients who are having a tough time losing weight. As many of our other handouts talk about toxicity in

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Why would a newborn get adjusted?

·         Why would a newborn get adjusted?           As the baby develops during the nine-month term, the uterus gets pretty crowded. The spine is in a big C curve and

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