healthy eating

Stay Healthy This Winter

  Hello Everyone in Natural Health Nation-             Well the North wind is letting us know that Winter is on the way but we still have some Fall left. The

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What is Health?

 Hello again to all the great people of the Natural Health family. Today I wanted to discuss briefly two ways that one could look at health. One way to see

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Benefits of Play Time

The Health Benefits of Play Time Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Humans, like most other animals, have a natural play instinct, and this instinct has important benefits. It allows

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Handling Stress

            I hope you’re having a great day, even though it’s Monday. Christmas is next week, is anyone panicking yet? Most people I talk to are already wrapping their gifts

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Fat Is Your Friend

Fat Is Your Friend One of the biggest health care hoaxes perpetrated during the last decade or so is the notion that “fat is bad.” If you want to enjoy

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What Causes Muscle Spasms?

What Causes Muscle Spasms?                         There are several main causes of muscle spasm that we check for at Natural Health. And of course were talking about any type of

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What is ADHD?             The letters ADHD stand far “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”.  It is a diagnosis given to many school-aged children who have a hard time sitting still in

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What Causes High Blood Pressure?

What Causes High Blood Pressure?             There are many causes of high blood pressure. In the natural health world, we find this is very particular for the individual patient. Most

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